Christopher, Hello from Romania. I'm so glad I found your blog site and I hope to keep up on all you are doing. I'm very proud of you. Please tell all our friends at church hi from me. Love you. Pastor Tami
Hi Christopher! I saw your blog today and thought it was pretty neat! I liked the picture of you, Toby, Freddy and me at our special lunch. That was such a FUN day! I really miss seeing you. Freddy wants to know if you still like cheese pizza? E-mail me sometime....I would LOVE to hear from you!
Dear christopher, You have an awesomwe blog.It looks like you had a fun time at your race. Can't wait to see you on vacation. gracie
Christopher, Hello from Romania. I'm so glad I found your blog site and I hope to keep up on all you are doing. I'm very proud of you. Please tell all our friends at church hi from me. Love you. Pastor Tami
Hi Christopher!
I saw your blog today and thought it was pretty neat! I liked the picture of you, Toby, Freddy and me at our special lunch. That was such a FUN day!
I really miss seeing you. Freddy wants to know if you still like cheese pizza?
E-mail me sometime....I would LOVE to hear from you!
Mrs. Leinhos and Freddy
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